Prikshat Verma

My analysis about Verma before actual Intraction

I met prikshat Verma in PIMT when he had resigned from his job over there.He used to come to the institute twice or thrice in a week.May be for the the processing of his dues .During that time what did I analyse about this fellow that he is very casual and have least dressing -sense.I had hardly talked to him during that period.

When I actually met

He had joined RIMT. Later on I also joined the same institute.We start intracting with one another. What I have analysed regarding him that he is highly intracting personality, having good communication skill and deep conceptual and practical knowledge of his area,does not hesitate to help the people with his valuable suggestions, and to show the actual ground to others,if they required. He can boost you. He is very clear and straight forward.

Prikshat's web site